The first reading and the Gospel both use drunkenness as an analogy for the opposite of the Christian life. One of the insults used against Jesus was that he was called a drunkard. (Matthew 11:19) Jesus drank alcohol, but he was not a drunkard. Closely related to drunkenness is gluttony - mentioned in the Gospel, and sloth/ laziness - mentioned in the first reading. Drunkenness, gluttony, and sloth are major problems because they prioritize short term pleasures and tend toward self-seeking. These kind of activities turn us back into ourselves. Sins pull us from love of God and love of neighbor toward a deformed self-love. Paul calls people with this deformed self-love children of the darkness.
Jesus offers an alternative to being children of the darkness. Jesus says that a child of the light is one who having encountered his self-giving love, has been transformed into a faithful and prudent servant. By his self-giving love, Jesus invites us to self-giving love. In this self-giving love, we are not only able to love God and others, but we are also able to love ourselves rightly.
If we have a deformed self-love, be it from drunkenness, gluttony, sloth/laziness, or any other vice/bad habit we must turn to the only one who offers us an alternative that He Himself can help accomplish. Jesus models love and compassion for us and he calls us to healthy relationship with Him and with his people in the Church which requires us to love others.
- St. Vincent de Paul men’s shelter 6:30-8 pm this Saturday, Oct 6 at 1921 S. Gettysburg Ave.
- Children’s Religious Education begins this Sunday at 10 am. This week will be a family meeting for children and their parents. Service hours for teenagers looking to be teaching assistants and fun activity organizers during the 10am-11am slot and beyond.
- Yellow Springs Street Fair volunteers needed to load the truck Friday, October 12 at 7pm at Church. Volunteers needed all day Saturday at Yellow Springs.
- We will be reviewing the parish feedback in the coming weeks at the Pastoral Council Meeting on October 16 at 7pm. The meeting is, as always, open to all parishioners.
- Our annual pumpkin party trip will take place Saturday, October 20th with a rain date of Saturday, October 27th. We are currently considering Tom’s Maze in Germantown
- House of Bread volunteering 9 am - 2 pm Tuesday, October 23rd. - Bishop Elias’ visit Friday through Sunday December 7-9. With meet and greet, spiritual talk, liturgies, Saturday Night Dinner, and raffle. - Initiatives- To what is God calling you? What are your hopes, dreams, and ideas for our parish? What do you want to do? Mission, charity, prayers, work, fundraisers, or maintenance? How can we support you?
-Tough Topics- “Sins of the Flesh and Life in the Spirit” Please join us for our monthly “Tough Topics” series Sunday, October 21 at both liturgies.
-Thursday, November 1 All Saints Liturgy 7pm.
-Bible Study every Sunday at 10 am.
-Liturgies Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 6pm, Wednesday at 7pm, Saturday at 10am.
-Confessions immediately before and after daily liturgies or by appointment.
-Tuesdays at Bar Louie- 8:30 pm for food and discussion
St. Ignatius of Antioch Fourth week after Holy Cross October 7, 2018