St. Ignatius of Antioch Church 5th Sunday of Pentecost June 17, 2018
Happy fathers' day.
When I was little, I didn't like brussel sprouts, I didn't like garlic, and I didn't like lentils or mjedra. I also didn't like going to school or visiting my grandmother. My parents, particularly my father would make me go or try them anyway. As I grew up I became acclimated to better food, better living, and the finer things of life. Paul's action of exchanging worldly things for spiritual things is similar to an adult's action of exchanging childish things for higher things of life. Paul writes, "I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and I regard them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ." Paul discovered something greater than anything of this world. He knew the love and mercy of Jesus. He knew God's transforming power in his life. What had first seen as unappealing as lentils or brussel sprouts to a small child becomes a delicacy. Prayer and self-giving love become beautiful. The Eucharist and confession become life giving. The disfigurements of the sick and dying become the beauty of the face of Christ. When we say yes to Jesus in the same way Paul said yes, our lives change. However, Paul tells us that the way he says yes to Jesus is not only the way we should all say yes to Jesus, but also the best way to live. Every time we say yes to Jesus we are getting something better then what we gave up.
In choosing to be a father one gives up freedom, independence, and free time. In return one finds family, responsibility, and love. The sacrificial love and the self-giving authority and responsibility of fatherhood are beautiful images of the love and authority of God the Father.
-Fr. Alex Harb
-Join us this Sunday, June 17 after liturgy to help parishioner Will Barakat in landscaping our church.
- Pastoral council meeting this Tuesday, June 19 at 7pm.
- Our next summer kid’s event will be the week of June 24
-Initiatives- To what is God calling you? What are your hopes, dreams, and ideas for our parish? What do you want to do? Mission, charity, prayers, work, fundraisers, or maintenance? How can we support you?
- Veneration and welcome of the relics of the Blessed Massabki Brothers Sunday, July 8th
- Veneration and welcome of the relics of St. Sharbel Sunday July 22 and Monday, July 23
- Maronite University a for college or graduate credit Syriac class July 16th-August 3rd
- Pilgrimage trip to Our Lady of Lebanon Shrine and Basilica August 15
- Summer camp for kids- we are considering the last week of July from 9:30-2:30 .
- Women's prayer group- no announcements
- High School and Middle School group (MYO)- dates to be announced
- Please turn in your pledges. We are at $1250 monthly of our goal of $2000. There is much reason for optimism.
POSTPONED Church-wide garage sale small fundraiser. POSTPONED. The event will be held in the next few months and we will collect furniture and household donations to sell to benefit the Church.
Weekly events:
- Due to lack of interest weekday liturgies will be rescheduled Wednesday 6pm and Saturday 10am
- Bar Louie meetup Tuesday 8pm
- English class Wednesday 7pm
- Children's Arabic class Saturday 10 am
- Adult Arabic class Saturday 11am
- Adult Dabke class Sunday 8 pm
- Children's Art class Saturday noon
- Bible Study Sunday 10am