Visit our facebook page for live broadcasts and recordings of masses and liturgies.
Please call 937-428-0372 for an anointing of the sick.
Outdoor confession is available, confession will be heard from a safe distance.
St. Ignatius of Antioch Maronite Catholic Church is a Catholic Church of the Syriac and Antiochian traditions. This means that our prayers are poetic and use images from the Scriptures and from nature. Welcome to one and all.
Sunday, January 5
The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple
Feast of the Epiphany
Mass 9am and 11am
Blessing of the Water
Wednesday, January 8
St. Carterius, the Priest
Mass 7pm
Friday January 10
St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa
Mass 7pm
Saturday, January 11
St. Theodosius of Antioch
Mass 4:30pm
Sunday, January 12
First Sunday After Epiphany
Mass 9am and 11am
In the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles, there are 42 parishes and missions across 38 states in our diocese. The Eparchy represents our family of Maronite faithful and a local church is but one part pf that larger community. Picture the Eparchy like a Rosary that is interconnected and we need each other's support and unity to flourish.
Vision for the Future, Mission for Today is a capital campaign to raise money in the short term (3 to 5 years) to support an Endowment Fund for future use. For a Maronite Catholic diocese or parish, this refers to gifts and pledges over and above parishioner's regular giving to the Sunday collection or annual appeals.
Please learn more about this campaign here.
Our Christmas Giving Tree is still ongoing. Each envelope is a represents a need for donations to help the Christian families of Lebanon. Your support, no matter how big or small, is vitally important to support the Christian families of Lebanon who are in desperate need of our help. Please take an envelope, mark it For the Christian Families of Lebanon and place your donation in it and drop the envelope on the box beneath the tree. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Please call 937-428-0372 for an anointing of the sick.
​St. Ignatius of Antioch Maronite Catholic Church is a Catholic Church of the Syriac and Antiochian traditions. This means that our prayers are poetic and use images from the Scriptures and from nature. Welcome to one and all.
If you would like to join our Church WhatsApp Group, please text the church number 937-428-0372 with your name and phone number. You must have the WhatsApp application on your phone, tablet or computer.
The Order of St. Sharbel provides financial support to seminarians of the Maronite Church in the United States. The seminary celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2011, and continues to play a vital role in the education of our priests for the 21st century.
While we trust in Divine Providence to provide for our needs, we realize that the financial support for our seminarians comes from the generosity of our laity. We ask that you prayerfully consider supporting our seminarians by becoming a member of the Order of Saint Sharbel.
New members to the Order of Saint Sharbel are welcome. The seminarians you help today will be the priests of tomorrow who will serve the Maronite Church in America. Visit https://www.orderstsharbel.org/membership-and-enrollment.
There is also a donation box at St. Ignatius to make donations to aid our seminarians. Any donation to assist these men in their priestly journey is greatly appreciated.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Fr. Jean Paul.
Click here to donate to our on-site building fund campaign
Visit our facebook page for live broadcasts and recordings of masses and liturgies.
Please call 937-428-0372 for an anointing of the sick.
Outdoor confession is available, confession will be heard from a safe distance.
St. Ignatius of Antioch Maronite Catholic Church is a Catholic Church of the Syriac and Antiochian traditions. This means that our prayers are poetic and use images from the Scriptures and from nature. Welcome to one and all.
We invite to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news, or special Mass schedules
If you would like to join our Church WhatsApp Group, please text the church number 937-428-0372 with your name and phone number. You must have the WhatsApp application on your phone, tablet or computer.